
Sink Curtain

Cole finished the sink curtain for our bathroom.  It's a big improvement, I think.

Have I mentioned how happy I am that Cole has a sewing machine and actually sews?  That is one activity that I simply don't have the patience for.


Five days later, I'm having misgivings about the sink curtain.  And they have to do with my deep, irrational fear of spiders.  See, on three different mornings over the past two weeks, I've encountered large eight-legged freaks just hanging out around our house:  one in the bathroom and two in the kitchen.  Each time I stood paralyzed with fear as I tried to decide what to do.  I didn't want to yell out for Cole because a) she was still in bed; b) it was really early in the morning; and c) I didn't want to alert the spider to my presence and allow it to escape.  So I took the plunge and killed each one of them, using a Kleenex, paper towel, and my shoe, respectively.  I even managed to do it without emitting my customary spider-killing battle cry, which I perfected in Flagstaff, where spiders abound.

I have no time to be proud of these accomplishments, though, because now I'm really concerned that the sink curtain in the bathroom is going to become a haven for spiders.  It's clean back there, but it's also dark and now protected by fabric.  And I DO NOT WANT spiders in the bathroom.

I also don't care that two of the three spiders were daddy longlegs and supposedly beneficial as they eat a lot of bugs.  They're still SPIDERS.  And inherently evil.

It remains to be seen how long the sink curtain will last...especially since I jolted awake and jumped right out of bed around 2 am last night, convinced that a huge spider was lowering itself down onto my face from the ceiling.

1 comment:

  1. That curtain is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! What a good transformation of a not-so-attractive area.
    LOL, the spider killing battle cry! I remember it so well, and have voiced it on a number of occasions. We've had several spiders around the house lately too. I wonder if it's because they're trying to get out of the heat??
