
DIY Sleep Mask

As much as I LOVE the fact that the days are getting longer, the sun is coming up earlier and setting much later, and my body is not telling me to go into hibernation mode like it does in winter, I do not relish being awakened by stray sunbeams on Saturday or Sunday mornings when I want to sleep in.  Enter a sleep mask.  This is the only way I can stay in bed on a weekend during the spring/summer months, given that our bedroom gets morning sun that sets our yellow curtains ablaze with light.

I whipped up this little guy after doing a bit of Googling for sleep masks.  I think it's a major improvement over the existing pink satin one we have which proclaims, "Wake me with a kiss."  Ugh.

I give this craft an A+, as it was easy and satisfying to make.  The felt is really soft against the eyes and face, and with all of the layers not a drop of light is going to get through.

Next up:  a couple for overnight guests and one for Cole.  

1 comment:

  1. i tested mine for the first time this late-morning: success! thanks, baby!
