
New and Improved

On Saturday I finally got around to reupholstering the chairs for our dining room table.  It turned out to be a lot easier than I had expected.  Covering the seats with fabric was a lot like wrapping a present--which I love to do. 

The only difficult part was repeatedly using the staple gun.  My right hand got really sore and I developed a blister on my thumb despite taking several breaks.  Even today my hand is still swollen!  It was worth it, though.  I couldn't be happier with the outcome!

I think the fabric really brightens everything up.  What do you think?


  1. I think they look FABULOUS. Though not so fabulous that wrecking your hand is OK...

  2. Karie says: They look great! Makes me wish mine were like that so that I could switch up the fabric!

  3. Love the chairs and I feel your pain...that staple gun can be merciless. Still there is something so therapeutic about working with your hands. I love it!!!!

  4. I had a lot of fun with this project, and I'm pretty sure that if we had other chairs sitting around in need of new seats, I'd be doing some more!
