
10 Things: My Mom

May 14th is always a special day for me.  It was my mom's birthday.  So, to celebrate that...

10 Random Facts about My Mom
  • Seems to be one of the only people in the world who could make nerd glasses look good.
  • Was not a complainer.  I can't remember her complaining about much of anything, ever.
  • Could belt out the Eagles' Takin' It Easy--especially when singing along to the radio in the car.
  • Didn't get that mad when I projectile vomited in our Monte Carlo onto her and Aunt Barbara after having a soft-serve cone and too many spins on the merry-go-round.
  • Let me do special things with just her--shopping trips for just the two of us, trips to Kansas...it made me feel special.
  • Had beautiful hands.  I can remember her doing manicures at the kitchen table.  She actually took care of her cuticles!  {note to self: I should do that.}
  • Liked cats and had a cat collection.  *shudder*  That affinity was not passed down to me.
  • Was one of the bravest people I can think of.
  • Always folded laundry in front of the TV so she could watch her soaps.
  • Was into whole foods and healthy eating way before it was fashionable.  I bet she'd be all over the organic movement today.

1 comment:

  1. Miss Conq! I love that!
    Also, nothing's worse than puking and then getting yelled at for puking -- that says a lot:)
