
We're Big in France

On the day that Judge Walker overturned Prop. 8, Cole and I took part in the rally in the Castro and the march to City Hall on that foggy evening.  After standing at City Hall for awhile, we sat down on a ledge right in front of the building to listen to the speakers.  At one point a photographer caught us kissing and started taking pictures of us, which made us laugh.  He was from the French-American press and asked how we felt about the ruling.

Anyway, I'd kind of forgotten about it until Cole found the photo this morning.

That photo reminds me of how great it felt to be celebrating after the ruling.  I just hope that in a few months we get further reason to celebrate from the Ninth Circuit, and then a final reason to celebrate from the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the meantime, I will keep kissing my wife, in front of City Hall and elsewhere.