

It turns out that the Divisidero Streetscape Project, which has been proceeding in a series of very loud and dusty steps since we moved into our apartment last March, is finally almost complete.  Our district supervisor has planned a party for a day or two before we move.  It feels a bit unfair that after enduring all of the torn up streets, incredible vibrations from huge construction machines, and general chaos, we're not going to be in the immediate vicinity to reap the benefits of this project.  Guess that means we'll have to come back to our beloved Divisidero often to enjoy it!

I went to a couple of neighborhood meetings (because I'm a nerd like that) where a City of San Francisco planner talked about what would be happening on the project.  Besides resurfacing the street itself, they widened the medians to accomodate new streetlights and planted red maples along the medians.  They also filled in all of the empty tree spaces along the sidewalks.  Best of all, they're creating a parklet in front of Mojo, a bike cafe along Divisidero, by reclaiming the parking spots in front of the shop.  This parklet is one of several around the city where unused paved areas are being repurposed as outdoor spaces for people to enjoy.  I think it's awesome!

They've started working on the parklet and here's a mockup of how it's going to look. I'm not a huge fan of the bamboo planters (I would have gone with small trees or something), but I have faith that it'll turn out well.  The bright green is definitely a nice contrast to Mojo's bright orange.  I have no doubt that the space will soon be teeming with sweaty cyclists decked out in bike gear, enjoying a post-ride beer.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea, but I'm still a little troubled by how it appears to be an extension of Mojo. My favorite thing about parks (and by extension, parklets) is that you don't have to buy anything to be there... Still, it does look very cute and inviting over there, and I'm pretty sure Bill will *love* it:)
