
A Thank You


This is a thank you to my dad, who, I am realizing, has taught me a whole lot of stuff.  I'm not talking about the big, character-defining things (although he's responsible for most of that too).  I'm talking useful, everyday stuff, things like (this is in no way an exhaustive list):
  • the proper way to paint a room
  • tons of things involving cars and driving (don't ride the brakes, never pass on the right, how long tires should last, how to get the best gas mileage, when to change your air filter, etc.)
  • how to pull weeds in the backyard (there is a proper way, and this was punishment)
  • how to make delicious cinnamon toast
  • the proper way to wash a car
  • how to drive a stick
  • how to choose healthy plants and keep a bouganvilla alive (although I think I may get my green thumb from my great-grandma)
  • how to use his Nikon camera (which is in my possession again!)
  • how to compose good pictures
  • elements of good design, whether it be in art, architecture, or interior design
  • how to properly appreciate music (i.e., by lying on the floor in front of big speakers)
  • the proper way to paint a room (from a man who eschews painter's tape!)
  • how to make an irresistible wal-can pie
  • the importance of being positive and trusting that things will work out (somewhat more philosophical, yes, but definitely a useful, everyday tool).
And he's not done yet...I'm planning to get a good lesson from him in a week or two on how to properly hang a shelf and how to install a pendant light.  I am so lucky to have a handy dad who is willing to help!

So thanks, Dad :)


  1. good picture!

  2. Right now, I am feeling *very* lucky to have have a helpful, handy Bill around:)

  3. Wow- I feel special right now! One of these days you're going to have children, and you'll find almost everything you do as a parent is a real pleasure- it's a wonderful experience. Unless your daughter meets "tent boy"... Dad
