
Nursery: Before

To ratchet up the excitement level of the two people who might still read this blog, in anticipation of the finished nursery, here's what the room looked like initially:

These are pretty lame photos, but the room just isn't that big and it's hard to get a good photo of the whole thing.

I think we've made a lot of improvements in the last few months, but you be the judge :)


  1. i'm excited, and i get to see it everyday:D i love before-and-afters!

  2. Hey, the room may not be very big, but neither is the baby that's going to occupy it! And it looks great. Signed: One of the two people who still read this blog... heh, heh.

  3. Make that three people! ... And I think all of us are still waiting on more belly shots!!

  4. I know, Erin, I've fallen off the belly shot wagon! I'll post something soon :)
