
Treasure Island Flea Market

{Looking towards SF with a decrepit pier in the foreground}

There's a new flea market in town, and it's located on very beautiful Treasure Island, just a short hop across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco.  The island, which was built for an exposition in the 1930s, was later turned over to the Navy, which decommissioned it years ago.  Now the City of San Francisco owns it and has plans to redevelop it and add quite a bit of housing and other amenities.  I'd live there just for the SF views alone!

The flea itself was pretty good, especially for a first-time venture.  It was a mix of antique and vintage goods along with new wares and crafts, plants, and food.  I think we enjoyed exploring the island more than the market--we drove around the perimeter taking in the views and then also checked out the plethora of defunct Navy buildings that still pepper the island.  Now I wish I would've taken more photos of those buildings, especially a very old bowling center with an awesome faded but stylish sign.  Next time.

{Looking toward the Bay Bridge where it meets Yerba Buena Island}

{A sculpture at the parade grounds.  The flea market was held just to the right of this grassy area.}

{One of the old Navy dorms--you know I'm a sucker for defunct buildings}


1 comment:

  1. What we needed a pic of was that defunct patent office!
