
Product Need

Over the past couple of days I've found out how difficult it is to find a baby book that doesn't blatantly refer to a mom and a dad as the birth parents.  Now, I had a feeling there wouldn't be a huge selection of more alternative baby books out there, but there really is a dearth, which is depressing.  The few that I found (which, to their credit, are cool in that you can order special custom page packs for two moms, two dads, adoptive parents, single parents, etc.) also happen to be severely lacking in the design department.  And that I cannot abide.  I want a modern, bright, clever baby book that just refers to "parents" and provides space to chronicle the milestones of Roo's life.  I want clean fonts and gender neutral colors.

Since my quest for this elusive book has been fruitless, I've decided to make my own book.  I'm a documenter by nature, and I figure my love for crafting, design, and scrap booking will help me in this endeavor.  In a way, this will be much cooler and more personal than any store bought book could ever be.  I'll be able to dictate every aspect of the book, from the album itself to the paper inside to the information that I choose to include.  Instead of pages upon pages of prompts like "A Big Mac cost ____ when you were born" and "The U.S. Secretary of State was ______ when you were born," I can include the things that really matter to us.  I can make sure there's room for all of the wonderful cards we've already gotten at our baby showers and for other mementoes that I'm sure to save.

I think this will be a perfect project for me while I'm off work in the couple of weeks around the due date, since I'm expecting Roo to be late anyway.  It's crafty, creative, and will keep me off my feet.


36 Weeks

I can't believe I'm one month away from my due date!  The more shocking thing is that my stomach already feels so big that I can't imagine it getting any larger over the next few weeks, though I know it will.  I can't even fit into any of my maternity jeans anymore so it's leggings and dresses for me (or loungewear) from here on out.  

The doodles on the chalkboard above are from our baby shower on Sunday.  People seem to be just about evenly matched on the question of whether Roo is a boy or a girl.  I can't wait to find out!


34 Weeks

I'm actually 36 weeks today, but I never posted a 34 week picture.  This is from the photos that Kendra did when we were in Phoenix for Thanksgiving.

Nursery: After

Presenting Roo's room!


Nursery: Before

To ratchet up the excitement level of the two people who might still read this blog, in anticipation of the finished nursery, here's what the room looked like initially:

These are pretty lame photos, but the room just isn't that big and it's hard to get a good photo of the whole thing.

I think we've made a lot of improvements in the last few months, but you be the judge :)